Zhi Cai (Ph.D./Prof./Doctoral Supervisor)
中文 / English
Professor in College of Computer Science, Beijing University of Technology.
I worked as a Post-doc at Department of Computing and Math, Manchester Metropolitan University, from where I also received my Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2011 (supervisor Prof. Georgios Fakas). I also did a short visit at the Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong in 2014 (supervisor Prof. Nikos Mamoulis). I obtained M.Sc. Degree of Computer Science from Health and Bio-informatics Group, School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester in 2007.
Research Interests
- Information Retrieval
- Keyword Search and Ranking Algorithm
- Geosocial Data Mining
- Spatio-temporal Data Analysis
- Data Visual Analysis
- Ontology Engineering
Selected Publications
- Zhi Cai, Xiao Han, et al: A Novel Spatial-Aware Fast Traffic Vulnerable Areas Recognition for Urban Road Network. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology. (T.VT). Early Access (2025) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Zhihao Hou, et al: Double Layer A*: An Emergency Path Planning Model Based on Map Grid and Double Layer Search Structure. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS). 25(9): 11509-11521 (2024) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Qian Dong, et al: VOLTCom: A Novel Online Trajectory Compression Method Based on Vector Processing. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS). 24(12): 14982-14993 (2023) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Yuyu Shu, et al: A traffic data interpolation method for IoT sensors based on spatio-temporal dependence. Internet of Things (IOT). 21: 100648 (2023) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Xuerui Cui, et al: Speed and Direction aware Skyline query for moving objects. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS). 23(4):3000 - 3011 (2022) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Gongyu Sun, et al: Visual Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Around Urban Rail Transit Stations. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS). 22(10):6221 - 6231 (2021) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Xuerui Cui, et al: Continuous road network based Skyline query for moving objects. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS). 22(12):7383 - 7394 (2021) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, George Kalamatianos, Georgios John Fakas, Nikos Mamoulis, Dimitris Papadias: Diversified Keyword search on spatial RDF data. VLDB Journal. 29(5):1171–1189 (2020) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Tong Li, et al: Research on Analysis Method of Characteristics Generation of Urban Rail Transit. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS) 21(9): 3608-3620 (2020) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Fujie Ren, et al: Vector-Based Trajectory Storage and Query for Intelligent Transport System. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. (T.ITS) 19(5): 1508-1519 (2018) [paper]
- Zhi Cai, Fujie Ren, et al: Multi-vehicles dynamic navigating method for large-scale event crowd evacuations. GeoInformatica 22(2): 435-462 (2018) [paper]
- Georgios John Fakas, Zhi Cai, Nikos Mamoulis: Diverse and Proportional Size-l Object Summaries Using Pairwise Relevance. VLDB Journal. 25(6): 791-816 (2016) [paper]
- Georgios John Fakas, Zhi Cai, Nikos Mamoulis: Diverse and Proportional Size-l Object Summaries for Keyword Search. SIGMOD Conference 2015: 363-375 [paper]
- Yujian Li, Houjun Li, Zhi Cai: Fast Orthogonal Haar Transform PatternMatching via Image Square Sum. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. (T.PAMI) 36(9): 1748-1760 (2014) [paper]
- Georgios John Fakas, Zhi Cai, Nikos Mamoulis: Versatile Size-l Object Summariesfor Relational Keyword Search. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. (T.KDE) 26(4): 1026-1038 (2014) [paper]
- Georgios John Fakas, Zhi Cai, Nikos Mamoulis: Size-l Object Summaries for Relational Keyword Search. PVLDB 5(3): 229-240 (2011) [paper]
- Georgios John Fakas, Zhi Cai: Ranking of Object Summaries. ICDE, DBRank workshop: 1580-1583 (2009) [paper]
- Find more in DBLP entry.
Research Grants and Awards
- PI, National Natural Science Foundation, 2021-2024.
- PI, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2021-2023.
- PI, Industrial Internet Innovation Project, 2020-2022.
- PI, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2017-2020.
- PI, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2014-2016.
- PI, State Education Ministry Foundation, 2013-2014.
- PI, Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, 2013.
- PI, Overseas Research Student Award Schema (ORSAS) from British Government, 2008-2011.
- UG: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (fall 2012-2017)
- UG: Intelligent Information Processing (fall 2014-Now)
- PG: Spatial Dataset Management (fall 2019)
- Email: caiz[AT]bjut.edu.cn
- Addr: Info Building 408, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China P.R. 100124
Info updated at Nov/2024